
A low level minion attempts to retrieve a forbidden text to impress his master, a necromancer.

The animation would start with a cloaked figure, obviously holding something, running in a dark forest. He looks behind him to see a large group of guards catching up and figures out a way to hide. After the group of guards runs past the tree he has quickly hidden in, he turns and starts running in the opposite direction. The next scene would feature this character approaching a necromancer and revealing the text to him.

Thief breaks into a magical text library to steal their oldest book.

The main character is shown looking into a window. Once the camera moves outwards, the audience is able to see that they are high up on a large, guarded tower, holding onto the vines and rocks to stay there. They quietly open the window and slip inside, only to find themselves in a large room covered in bookshelves. They quietly sneak towards the far wall, feeling around on the stones until they find one that is loose. Upon pushing that stone, a section of the wall opens up and reveals a secret text, covered in strange markings with a slight glow.

Man searching forest at night finds lost and frightened forest creature.

The main character is searching the forest near his village after hearing a strange noise. After inspecting deeper into the forest, he finds a strange creature that’s not quite an animal or a human. The creature is frightened by something, but the character is unable to tell what it is. This is where the frame widens and the audience is able to see a much larger and more mature version of the frightened creature. The larger creature is clearly upset that this human is anywhere near the young one.


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